Nearest Green Distillery


3125 Highway 231 N
Shelbyville, TN 37160 , USA
Nearest Green Distillery
  • Nearest Green Distillery

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About Nearest Green Distillery

The Nearest Green Distillery, founded in honor of Nathan "Nearest" Green, Jack Daniel's first master distiller, is a testament to the remarkable story of a Black man's influence on Tennessee whiskey. Inspired by a provacative New York Times article, entrepreneur Fawn Weaver embarked on a mission to celebrate Nearest's legacy.

The distillery, located on a former horse farm near Shelbyville, Tennessee, offers a tour that begins in a Visitor's Center doubling as a museum, showcasing Nearest's passion for distilling and music. The journey continues through a Speakeasy commemorating Tennessee's pivotal vote for women's suffrage, leading into the bottling hall, warehouse, and a circular tasting room. Here, visitors can sample blends crafted by Victoria Eady Butler, a descendant of Nearest Green. The tasting also includes a sample of the distillery exclusive Uncle Nearest Master Blend Edition.

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