Willett Distillery


1869 Loretto Rd
Bardstown, KY 40004
Willett Distillery
  • Willett Distillery

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About Willett Distillery

The Willett name has roots all the way back to the early days of Nelson County and Kentucky bourbon. In fact, this property and Warehouse A were in use in 1937, just after Prohibition. But ownership and visions changed over the years and it wasn’t until 2012 that the current distillery re-emerged under the leadership of Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Famer Even Kulsveen and his wife Martha Harriett Willett Kulsveen.

Over the last few years, Willett has built a solid reputation for producing high quality bourbon and rye whiskeys. Each has its own mash bill creating six different recipes. 

The tour visits the beautiful stone and wood distillery. There is plenty of family history, process and distilling philosophy during the tour. After a trip to the warehouse, the tour concludes in the Visitor’s Center with a wide selection of bourbons to taste. There is also a bar and restaurant on-site that is open Thursday through the weekend.

As seen in "Experiencing Kentucky Bourbon."

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