Wilderness Trail Distillery


4095 Lebanon Rd
Danville, KY 40422
Wilderness Trail Distillery
  • Wilderness Trail Distillery

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Bourbon, Rye

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About Wilderness Trail Distillery

Are you ready to geek out on bourbon? If so, Wilderness Trail is the distillery to lead you through the science of whiskey. Not only do they distill their own bourbons, rye, vodka, and rum, they also provide storage, production, testing and scientific evaluation for other distilleries.

With this strong background, it should come as no surprise the tour starts with the laboratory. Here they give you a sense of their standing as scientific problem solvers. The tour continues up a flight of stairs where you see the results of the sweet mash process. Heading back downstairs they explain the distillation process as you view their hybrid pot and column stills. On my tour, we sampled 136 proof rye right off the still. The tour finishes up with a tasting in the new Visitor’s Center.

This is an excellent change of pace tour and a first rate tour for those who want an understanding of the process. Be aware that the distillery closes at lunchtime for an hour.

As seen in "Experiencing Kentucky Bourbon."

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Note: This distillery information is provided “as is” and is intended for initial research only. Be aware, offerings change without notice and distilleries periodically shut down or suspend services. Always use the distillery’s websites to get the most detailed and up-to-date information. Your due diligence will ensure the smoothest experience possible.