Auchentoshan Distillery


Great Western Rd
Clydebank, Scotland G81 4SJ , UK
Auchentoshan Distillery
  • Auchentoshan Distillery

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About Auchentoshan Distillery

Located on the outskirts of Glasgow, Auchentoshan Distillery is unique among Scotch whisky distilleries for its triple distillation process. This method results in a smooth and delicate spirit, distinct from the more common double-distilled whiskies. Auchentoshan's whiskies are known for their light, floral, and citrusy flavors, offering a refreshing take on traditional Scotch whisky profiles. The core range includes the Auchentoshan American Oak, which is a great introduction to Scotch for Irish whiskey or Bourbon drinkers.

The distillery's location near Glasgow makes it an easily accessible stop for those eager to explore Scotland's Lowlands and delve into the world of Scotch whisky. The tour provides an overview of the distilling operation as you make your way past the mash tun, washbacks, ending in the stillhouse where the three copper pot stills await your camera lens. The tour then makes its way into the warehouse before ending in the lounge with a sample of Auchentoshan's whiskies. The distillery offers a basic tour, but those wanting to experience more can choose from elevated tastings or extended tours.

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