Laphroaig Distillery


Laphroaig Road
Isle of Islay, Scotland PA42 7DU, UK
Laphroaig Distillery
  • Laphroaig Distillery
Featured Spirits
Single Malt

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About Laphroaig Distillery

One of the most argued over whiskies in Scotland is Laphroaig. For many, it is a love or hate relationship and the distillery has long embraced that distinction. Distilled using peat influenced by seaweed and the sea, the earthy phenolics of Laphroaig's single malts can be an acquired taste. But once acquired, a love affair begins.

For those who have been converted into Laphroaig loyalists, there are plenty of ways to interact with the distillery. Do a Past and Present tour, where you taste whiskies of different eras. Do a tour that takes you out to the peat bogs, where you can get a first hand glimpse of what gives Laphroaig its maritime character. Or take the standard, full-featured tour and explore the distillery's history, production, and taste the results.

While planning your trip, consider becoming one of the Friends of Laphroaig, one of the most interesting ways to connect with a distillery.


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Note: This distillery information is provided “as is” and is intended for initial research only. Be aware, offerings change without notice and distilleries periodically shut down or suspend services. Always use the distillery’s websites to get the most detailed and up-to-date information. Your due diligence will ensure the smoothest experience possible.