Kentucky Mist


128 E Main St
Whitesburg, KY 41858 , USA
Kentucky Mist
  • Kentucky Mist

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About Kentucky Mist

From within the heart of the eastern Kentucky mountains comes the story of Henry Holbrook, a longtime bootlegger and moonshiner, whose grandson Colin Fultz is embracing the legal side of distilling with the Kentucky Mist Distillery. While moonshine is the main focus of the distillery, Colin also produces a whiskey called Ole Henry that uses the moonshine recipe but ages in new oak barrels for two years. You can taste and purchase the products at the distillery. There are no formal tours, but word is they are happy to give you the history and possibly show you around.

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Note: This distillery information is provided “as is” and is intended for initial research only. Be aware, offerings change without notice and distilleries periodically shut down or suspend services. Always use the distillery’s websites to get the most detailed and up-to-date information. Your due diligence will ensure the smoothest experience possible.