Lagg Distillery


Kilmory (Isle of Arran)
, Scotland KA27 8PG, UK
Lagg Distillery
  • Lagg Distillery
Featured Spirits
Single Malt

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About Lagg Distillery

Located at the southern tip of the Isle of Arran, Lagg Distillery offers a unique experience for peated whisky enthusiasts. And the drive to the distillery is as stunning, whether you approach from the eastern or western side of the island. Outside, the Visitor's Center's designed to mimics the view of the island from the south - in fact, its even covered in plants that change colours with the season. Inside, the distillery is a beautifully designed open space that allows visitors to see the mainland, on a clear day, from inside or out.

During the tour, visitors learn about the island's history of illicit distilling and how Lagg Distillery is bringing a contemporary twist to traditional methods of producing peated whisky. For those new to peated whiskies, this is an excellent introduction. The distillery plans to experiment with peat sourced from various locations, making it an exciting place to watch for new releases and innovations. The tour ends with a tasting of Lagg's single malt. You might also consider one of their extended tours with additional tastes. For additional tastings the bar and cafe are open Tuesday through Saturday.

For those who aren't interested in peated whiskies, it's worth a trip to the northern end of the island to visit Lagg's sister distillery Lochranza, the home of Arran single malts. Both distilleries offer electric vehicle charging stations, and ferries to the mainland are accessible from the island's east and west sides.

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Note: This distillery information is provided “as is” and is intended for initial research only. Be aware, offerings change without notice and distilleries periodically shut down or suspend services. Always use the distillery’s websites to get the most detailed and up-to-date information. Your due diligence will ensure the smoothest experience possible.