Glen Scotia Distillery


12 High St
Campbeltown, Scotland PA28 6DS, UK
Glen Scotia Distillery
  • Glen Scotia Distillery
Featured Spirits
Single Malt

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About Glen Scotia Distillery

Glen Scotia Distillery, located in Campbeltown, Scotland, has been producing Scotch whiskies since 1832. For years, Glen Scotia sat in the shadow of Springbank, until a local, Iain McAlister took over as distillery manager and the Loch Lomond Group began investing in its future.

Today, the Glen Scotia distillery tour is an enjoyable walk through the history of the distillery and town - and includes a ghost story. Beyond production, the on-site warehouses are unique in design, featuring skylight roofs and various methods of storage.

Upon completion of the tour, you're welcomed back into the cozy tasting area that doubles as a reception area. This is truly a distillery that was designed for production, rather than a large state of the art visitor's center, but that is part of its charm. Situated near the famous Campbeltown Loch, Glen Scotia's award winning whiskies are worth exploring, as is the distillery.

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